Talking Sons Community Episode Two: The Dads that Dad

Another Special Community Episode! Emma is back and we’re joined by Avidan to discuss Episode Two: the Ties that Bind. The squad discusses Gartok, swindling innkeepers, and Wacky Mac!

Episode Eight: Pyramid Schemes

In this episode, the Son Squad recaps Ep. 26 – Moms of Future Past. Our Editor pulls double duty as a host, so we’re joined by Agnitti as we work out what a Bass Pro Pyramid Dungeon would look like and talk about pooping through pants because we must.

Talking Sons Community Episode One: A Dad and His Daddies

Special Community Episode! The Son Squad is joined by guest host Kat and Emma! This episode, we’ll discuss Dungeons and Daddies, Episode 1: A Man and His Handshake. In a new limited series, we’ll recap the first eighteen episodes of Dungeons and Daddies. We recap the episode that came out over a year ago and meet the dads.

Episode Seven: Emotional Rollercoaster

In this hard hitting episode, Nikki shows off her knowledge of The Mummy Film, a film that she has really and truly has seen. We cover Episode 25 – Mummy Issues, an unrelenting promotion for Universal Studios in podcast form. Also, come for the full NADS experience in its full audio glory!

Episode Six: Going Danish

Talking Sons is back! This episode, the Son Squad discusses how Episode 24: The Sins of the Fathers is jumping the… chasm? Also, this Triple-R episode has discussion of Reverse Ratatouille and Ron. If you’ve ever wondered what a movie starring a rat piloted by a fashion designer would be like, your wait is over!

Special Episode SE01: AMOD Discussion

SPOILER WARNING FOR AMOD EPISODES 2 AND 3. Do not listen if you care about spoilers for the last two episodes!

In this Jumbo Sized Episode, the Son Squad talks over all three episodes of the DnDaddies Special – At the Mountains of Dadness.