TSCE: Episode Nine – Terry Jr Megasode

Another Megasode! The son squad is joined by Emma and Thomas to recap all of the Terry Jr Episodes! Watch as we blow through Episodes 11, 12, 13, and 14 at the rate that betrays how little the dads actually did each episode in this arc.

Episode Fifteen: Great Demon Bake-off

The Son Squad recaps Ep 33: Anchor Management. This episode is graced by a special musical theme by Bryn (@eatchillis) for the premier of our Talking Grandsons segment! Also, Nikki says some more things that will get her canceled on discord, again!

Episode Fourteen: Serpens Ex Machina

This Episode, the Son Squad recaps Episode 32: Grillin’ in the Name Of which is a parody of a song title that Nikki is totally familiar with. Also, we debate which Dad the Orcs would find tastiest and come up with a definitive ranking.

Episode Thirteen: Fun with Tentacles

The Son Squad recaps Episode 31: Home! Err… the Odyssey! We salute those who have gone before us, play a rousing game of FFFkiss, Marry, Kill, and continue our descent into that particular form of madness that only repeated exposure to Dungeons and Daddies can bring.

TSCE: Episode Six – Dad-port your Local Dad-brary

The Son Squad is joined by community guests Thomas and Bee to recap DnDaddies Episode 6 – Support Your Local Library. Check out this episode and get some knowledge with the crew today!

Talking Sons Community Episode Five: The Dads of Dados 3 – Revenge of the Daddy

In this Episode, we wrap up the Dads of Chaos Arc! DnDaddies Ep5 recap! Thanks to Avidan and Steph for joining us as we talk Pyramids, crimes, and Dad Jokes.