Episode Forty-One: Seen One Orc, Seen The Maul

In this episode, the sons talk Episode 59: Retail Therapy and decide what really happened to Walter while the daddies were away.

Episode Forty: DJ Sad Times

In this episode, the Son Squad recaps the non-combat in Episode 58 – It was inside you all along. Lots of episode discussion, lots of talking about what could have happened had things turned out differently.

Episode Thirty-Nine: Moat-al Combat

In this episode, the Son Squad chews the fat about what the Dads went through in Episode 57 – Heroes of Moat and Magic. We also talk about Alternative Nicks that could appear once Narcolas is but a whiff of a memory.

Episode Thirty-Eight: Battle Axe of YERMOM

In this episode, the Son Squad rejoices as Beth May finally gets her body swap episode, Glenn finally gets some character growth, and Jodie busts a gut.

Episode Thirty-Seven: Talking Sons – Action Scientists

In this episode, the sons talk about episode 55 – Mark! A Vagrant. We also lay out the introductory paragraph for the steamiest Oakson fanfic the internet has ever seen.

April Fools Outtakes: Talking Grandsons Episode 1

It’s our April Fools Outtake compilation! Enjoy the best of the cutting room floor from the last year.

original message:

Hey everyone! We have a special treat for you today. This is the first episode of a Podcast about a Podcast about a Podcast. That’s right! TS gets its own meta cast! Join our four brand-new hosts as they discuss the smash hit fancast, Talking Sons.

Episode Thirty-Six: Kill Well

We review Episode 54, which we make a starring role in. Check in with the stars of Episode 54 as we discuss how awesome we are.